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KMTL holds The 60thAnniversary Open Seminar.


We are pleased to announce that Kobe Material Testing Laboratory Group will celebrate the 60th anniversary of foundation next year.

Your confidence in us and giving understanding, opportunities, and environment to material testing and our company have brought us where we are today. We would like to express our deepest gratitude for all your support.

Material testing will continue to grow in its importance and role. We would like to ask your continued understanding and support as we renew our resolve to make further efforts at the 60th anniversary.

Prior to the 60th anniversary, we held the following open seminar on October 17, 2006. It was a great success and we are grateful for many domestic and international participants. This was our 4th open seminar and we are going to continue to provide opportunities to offer information and exchange opinions in the future. Your cooperation and support also on this matter would be appreciated.

The 4th KMTL Open Seminar


At the Forefront of Fatigue Study

Under the theme of multiaxis, hydrogen effect, and high temperature, Dr. Darrell F. Socie, Professor Emeritus of University of Illinois and an authority in the field, as a keynote speaker, and Prof. Yukitaka Murakami, Vice President of Kyushu University, and Prof. Masao Sakane of Ritsumeikan University gave lectures.

[Contents of Seminar]
Date and Time : Tuesday, October 17, 2006 13:00 – 17:30
Venue : Kawasaki Sangyo Shinko Kaikan, 1F hall
Theme : At the Forefront of Fatigue Study -Multiaxis,
hydrogen effect, and high temperature

●Keynote lecture
Development of Strain Based Multiaxial Fatigue Theories sosie2
Dr. Darrell F. Socie

(Professor Emeritus of University of Illinois Dept. of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Ph.D)

Hydrogen Effect on Fatigue Strength kyuu2
Prof. Yukitaka Murakami

(Vice President of Kyushu University, D. Eng.)

 Multiaxial Creep Fatigue Life Evaluation   sakane2
 Prof. Masao Sakane

(Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, RitsumeikanUniversity, D. Eng.)

 Fatigue Testing in KMTL   murata2
 Kinzo Murata

(Ibaraki Workshop of Kobe Material Testing Laboratory Co., Ltd., D. Eng.)